How To Configure Eclipse For BBB board.
Install the Eclipse at PC with Debian:
Go to the

Select correct download file.
Extract the file and run Eclipse installer (eclipse-inst)

Select Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers.

Install the Eclipse IDE.
Open the Eclipse.

From the Menu select New->Other
Select C++ Project

Press Next
Fill the Project name
Select Hello World C++ Project and Cross GCC

Select Next

Fill the Basic Settings an press Next.

Fill correct Cross compiler prefix and path (if you don’t have installed Cross Compiler for BeagleBone Black see the the cross toolchain for BBB.html )
Press Finish. The Eclipse should create Test_BBB.cpp file with code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "!!!Hello World from Eclipse!!!" << endl;
return 0;
Select from Eclipse Menu Project->Build Project.
When the build process is finished you should see that the Binaries have indicator [arm/le]
Copy the application to BBB board with command
andrzej@debian11:~$ scp Test_BBB debian@
From BBB terminal start the Test_BBB:
debian@beaglebone:~$ ./Test_BBB
!!!Hello World!!!
Configure the Eclipse for BeagleBone Black
Enable SSH Auto Login to BeagleBone Black
From the Linux terminal type commands:
andrzej@debian11:/usr/bin$ ssh-keygen
andrzej@debian11:/usr/bin$ ssh-copy-id debian@
andrzej@debian11:/usr/bin$ ssh-add
Now you can login to BBB board without password.
Configure remote access to BBB
From Eclipse menu select Help->Install New Software.
From the remote General Purpose Tools select and press Next.

Restart Eclipse after installation.

From Eclipse menu select Window-> Show View->Other�

From Remote Systems open Remote Systems and Remote Shell

Create new connection from Remote System

Select Linux and press Next

Configure the Remote Connection and press Next

Select ssh.files and press Next

Select and press Next

Select ssh.shells and press Finish.

Right click on the BBB connection and select Connect

Enter correct User ID and Password. Select Save user ID and Save password.

If you expand Sftp Files you should see the BBB file system in the Eclipse IDE.

Change the Test_BBB.cpp to:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "!!!Hello World from Eclipse!!!" << endl;
return 0;
Build the project from Eclipse. In the Project Explorer right click at the Test_BB-[arm/le] and select Copy.

In the Remote Systems right click at the My Home and select Paste.

Select Overwrite and press OK.

From Eclipse menu select Window->Terminal

Click the Open a Terminal icon.

Launch the terminal to BBB board.

Run the Test_BBB application from Eclipse terminal:
debian@beaglebone:~$ ./Test_BBB
!!!Hello World from Eclipse!!!
Automatically transfer build application to BBB board.
In the Project Explore right click at Test_BBB project. Select Settings and Build Steps.
In the Post-build steps command type scp Test_BBB debian@
Press Apply and Close.

Change the Test_BBB.cpp to
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "!!!Hello World from Eclipse!!!" << endl;
cout << "!!!Auto transfered!!!" << endl;
return 0;
Build the project from Eclipse. The binary file should be automatically transferred to BBB board.
From Eclipse Terminal run the Test_BBB application:
debian@beaglebone:~$ ./Test_BBB
!!!Hello World from Eclipse!!!
!!!Auto transfered!!